
星期一, 六月 11, 2007

Arduino 0008 available(版本升级)

下载地址/download http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

增加了EEPROM和Stepper motor library,sketchbook里的例子分类变的细致,规范。

0008 - 2007.06.09

* Updated examples (in distribution and on the website).
* Added an EEPROM library (see reference for details).
* Added a Stepper motor library (see reference).
* Patched to reduce binary sketch sizes by building the Arduino core as
a library (.a) file - now only the needed parts of the core are linked into
a sketch. Originally written by Nicolas Roland, revised by Don Cross.
* Fixed bug in Serial.available(). Report and fix by Don Cross.
* Now recompiling libraries when switching microcontrollers. Report by
Julian Bleecker; fix by Nicholas Zambetti.
* Cleaned up core functions: moved pin definitions into program space to save
RAM, and other minor improvements. Contributed by Jim Studt.
* Lots of reference additions and fixes from Paul Badger.
* Changed default microcontroller to ATmega168 from ATmega8.
* Removed the delay from analogRead().
* Activating TWI/I2C pullup resistors on the ATmega168 (in addition to the
